Brand New Bangla Satellite Dish In Bangladesh

moshiur rahman | 7:14 AM |

Multiway Info System is a one of Trusted Satellite Solutions Company in Bangladesh, We are providing Brand New Bangla Satellite Dish around of Bangladesh with Manufacture  company rate: several dish size and pricing are following:
6.5 Feet 1 fixed part, fixed price: 10,000 BDT.
7 Feet, 2 part, fixed price: 5,500 BDT.
7 Feet, 3 part, fixed price: 4,5000 BDT.
10 Feet 4 part, fixed price: 10,500 BDT.
12 Feet 4 part, fixed price: 16,500 BDT.
16 Feet 4 part, fixed price: 1,2000 BDT.
Customize sized dish. Negotiable Price
| BSD |
6 Feet, 3 part, fixed price: 6,700 BDT.
7 Feet, 3 part, fixed price: 4500 BDT.
10 Feet, 4 part, fixed price: 10,000 BDT.
12 Feet, 4 part, fixed price: 16,000 BDT.
Customize sized dish. Negotiable Price

N.B: Shipping charge is yours. If you agree with our conditions, then you need to pay total upfront payment to our Company Bank account, within next 2-3 days product will delivery in your exact Shipping address around of Bangladesh. Thank you for stay with us.

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