2GB Shared Hosting Packages

moshiur rahman | 9:26 AM |

2GB Shared Hosting Packages

Basic (2GB) Shared Web Hosting Packages, advantage are: Bandwidth: Unlimited, Add-on Domains, 20, Sub-domains, 200, Parked Domains: 200, SQL databases: 200, Email accounts, 200, FTP Accounts: 200, NSSH Access: Yes, Control Panel: Yes, 24/7 Free Support, Yes
We also have various hosting plan and web design package with low price! If you have interest then we expect mail us at: support@onlinejobsbd.info, you may also contact ads content beside contact numbers, so mail, call or message us anytime if any more additional question you have then we will assist you gladly sincerely.

 Ads posted Date @ 22 June/  01842*273770,  Price @  1500 BDT.
